paula-collings-becomingThe ordinary person’s road
map to life’s big decisions

Becoming has been written for everyday people like you and me.

Wrestling with the challenges we all face as humans, wouldn’t it be comforting to know there is a process you could follow that would allow you to navigate life’s big decisions with confidence.

Becoming introduces the reader to the Maturity Model, and through it, delivers clarity, wisdom and intelligence to decisions to be made when addressing the tasks presenting at critical life stages.

Available as an e-book and in print, Becoming is the guide every ordinary person needs to decide and live with confidence, regardless of the real or unreal expectations others may have.


Register your interest
in Becoming Accountable:
refreshing service to the public


This book examines how well the public sector, a major cost to the economy, serves the workers, taxpayers, business and and community what could be done more efficiently and effectively to get better value from the investment.

The Maturity Model outlined in Becoming is used to examine particular issues and case studies.